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We originally developed the Tee-pee system for Slovak Scouting; a member organisation of the World Organisation of the Scout Movement focused on empowering and educating children and youth. The goal was to increase the efficiency of managing their membership base and organising events together with the possibility of creating custom reports that would meet the legal necessities of the Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Sport of the Slovak Republic. Thus was born the first version of Tee-Pee in 2016! Although the development of the first version took into account the specific requirements of Slovak Scouting, the system was developed from the beginning as a product that is flexible enough to meet the needs of other non-profit organisations. That was just the beginning for us, and we can't wait for when you try the Tee-pee too!

After the launch of 2016, other organisations from the non-profit sector in Slovakia and abroad also became interested in the system. Today, we continue to develop Tee-pee as a modular and scalable product with the mission of providing the necessary functionality to help you increase work efficiency, reporting, automate certain tasks, and gain detailed information about your organisation's performance.

The members of your team are also active members of different associations and have rich experience as volunteers, so they can understand your specific requirements and bring useful insights into the discussion to streamline your procedures using the Tee-pee system.
If you want to know more about Tee-pee, we are here for you!


Our team

Marek Fukas
Product Owner
Dominika Máťušová
Project Manager
Adam Kovár
Ľudmila Ferech - Čechová
IT Tester
Daniela Hostačná

Who is behind Tee-pee?

For more than 20 years ARTIN offers services in the area of software development and integration, application support and IT consulting. Thanks to years of experience, we succeed in operating in several market segments such as telecommunications, insurance and finance, industry, services, waste processing, logistics, non-profit sector and at latest in automotive. We also support projects in the area of research and development, the main project represents Roboauto.
We operate in Czech and Slovak Republic, Austria and in other European as well as Southeast Asia countries.
